How can we assist those caught in the revolving door?

The mission of the ECRSSA is to provide support and services to transitioning clients through an intentional network of community and faith-based organizations in partnership with the criminal justice system.
“Transitioning clients” are individuals released from federal, state or county prison reentering Erie County after serving a sentence for a criminal conviction and/or people reentering a law-abiding life from criminal/gang related network involvement through the ECRSSA Call In Program.
Our vision is to be a county where transitioning clients are supported, empowered, and fully integrated into the community.
All Call In participants are eligible for intensive case management services. For those returning to Erie County from federal, state, or county incarceration, intensive case management support eligibility is:
Person ranks as a medium to high risk offender or has high needs for service supports such as medical, mental health, and/or D&A issues
Referrals can be made by prison or parole staff using the RSSA Screening Referral Form which is available upon request or a person can make a self-referral
When a Screening Referral is received, it is reviewed and eligibility verified
Intake date & time will be scheduled to meet with the client
Acceptance determined
We will help the eligible participant with accessing job training, employment, education, medical and/or mental health care, and housing (when the person has a sustainable income) while providing case management support during the initial six to twelve months of the Transitioning Client’s return to the community.
If the person does not meet the intensive case management criteria, we can offer less intensive case management support, resource coordination, to help guide the person in accessing programming for job skills training, employment, education, medical and/or mental health care, & other community supports.
Sean Beers, Executive Director YMCA of Greater Erie
Erie County Re-Entry Services Support Alliance
Downtown YMCA
West 10th Street, Erie PA
P: 814.452.3261 ext. 283