Evidence - Based Programs
Erie County, Pennsylvania
Quick Directory
Erie County, Pennsylvania
Quick Directory
The menu of EVIDENCE-BASED PROGRAMS listed have each undergone rigorous evaluation and been recognized as effective by federal and state agencies and/or prevention science organizations. In addition, all programs must address one or more of the priority risk or protective factors in Erie County.
Directory compiled by the Erie County Policy and Planning Family Team.
Target Client:
Parents, caregivers, grandparents with children ages birth to 10 years (this includes pregnant moms and expecting parents)
The program is a parenting class organized into nine, 2-hour sessions, typically completed over nine weeks. Using interactive group activities, homework, and discussions, this program is designed to educate parents and other adult caregivers about how to create an early home environment that protects children from violence by teaching positive parenting skills.
Target Client:
Fathers with children ages birth to 18 years. Helping fathers overcome challenges to be a responsible father to their children. Fatherhood programs offers a range of services for fathers that are designed and dedicated to support, council, educate, advocate, and challenge fathers to become a strong, positive force within their families.
The program is 12 to 14-week workshop for all dads offered at several community locations each week. Foundations of Fatherhood provides a safe and supportive group for men to more fully understand their importance as a father in their children’s lives. With the help of qualified group facilitators, men receive assistance to improve family management and parenting skills.
Group Meeting Schedule
Wednesday 10:00am – 11:30am
Thursday 6:30pm – 8:00pm
*Childcare and transportation are provided when requested with advanced registration.
Group Session Topics
Character of a Man
Improving Communications
Healthy Adult Relationships
My Anger, Friend or Foe
Tradition, Cultures and Identity
Stages of Child Development
Developing Your Support System
Target Client:
Children ages 6 thru 13 from predominantly single parent, at-risk families.
Volunteer mentors initiate consistent one- to-one contact with a child and provide positive social, recreational, and cultural experiences to help the child reach his/her full potential.
Target Client:
Any family member who has loved one with a mental health challenge. The individual does not need a formal diagnosis.
To provided resources, improve communication techniques and education about mental health issues.
Target Client:
Families must be referred by the Erie County Office of Children and Youth or Juvenile Probation
Facilitates a decision-making process that draws together extended family members to develop a sound plan to address concerns with regard to child safety, well-being, and overall development.
Target Client:
10 to 17 years old with externalizing problem behaviors stemming from relational problems within the family; caregiver must be willing to participate.
In-home family therapy, one time per week for up to 22 weeks.
Target Client:
Parents with Children ages 5-15 who are in need of techniques to promote emotional and social competence.
This program is utilized to prevent, reduce and treat aggression and emotional problems in young children ages 5-15. It consists of a two-hour session once a week for 11 weeks. In these sessions, trained facilitators use videos to encourage group discussion, sharing of ideas and promote problem solving.
Target Client:
Parents with Children ages 5-15 who are in need of techniques to promote emotional and social competence.
Incredible Years is designed to promote emotional and social competence. This advanced parenting program is utilized to prevent, reduce, and treat aggression and emotional problems in young children ages 0-12 years old including children in the Autism Spectrum. By using prevention techniques taught in IY the chances of later developing delinquent behaviors is reduced. It consists of a two-hour session once a week for up to fourteen (14) weeks. In these sessions, trained facilitators use videos to encourage group discussion, sharing of ideas and promote problem solving.
Target Client:
10 to 18 years old exhibiting sexually related anti-social and delinquent behaviors; caregiver must be willing to participate
In-home therapy 3-5 times per week addresses the determinants of sexually inappropriate behavior and related behavior concerns; provides 24 hour on call service.
Target Client:
12-17 years old with delinquent behaviors (i.e., verbal/physical aggression, truancy, substance abuse, experiencing problems at school, etc.); a caregiver must be willing to participate.
Intensive in-home therapy 2-5 times per week for up to 27 weeks; provides 24 hour on call service.
Family Services of NWPA:
Patricia Currington
(814) 866-4652
Norm Stanford
(814) 899-7664 x311 or (814) 440-8742
Target Client:
First time pregnant, low-income women; Must enroll before start of 3rd trimester of pregnancy (28 weeks); Low-income defined as eligible for MA or WIC.
RN home visiting services designed to improve pregnancy outcomes, child health and development, and the economic self-sufficiency of the family.
Project Secretary: (814) 451-6733
Erie County Department of Health Intake Nurse: (814) 451-6711
Target Client:
Families with infants, toddlers, preschools, children up to 11 years old and those who have one or both parents/guardians with Intellectual Disabilities, Mental Health, or Drug and Alcohol concerns and/or a physical disability.
Nurturing Parenting Program is designed for families referred for parenting education by social services/mental health for child abuse and neglect and/or family dysfunction.
Target Client:
Children ages 2.5 - 6yr, 11mo. Children acting out or exhibiting behavior problems (verbal and physical aggression, defiance, noncompliance, temper tantrums); parents who could benefit from enhanced relationship and/or behavior management skills with young children.
Outpatient counseling modality; improves parent-child relationship; reductions in disruptive behavior; improvements in parent behavior, parent stress, and maternal depression; improvements in child school behavior; generalization to untreated siblings.
(814) 459- 2755 x 1521
Matt Bogardus
(814) 835- 3126 mbogardus@sarahreed.org
Forest Counseling LLC
Mark Lesniewski, LPC
(814) 482-2209 (office)
Target Client:
Parents with children ages prenatal through age 5, or upon school entry; any parent/caregiver may enroll for services at any time from prenatal (recommended) until the age of school entry.
Home visiting service to work with parents; increases parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices; provides early detection of developmental delays and health issues; prevents child abuse and neglect; increases children's school readiness and school success.
Erie Family Center:
(814) 520-8214
Union City Support Center: Heather Brooks
(814) 438-6065 heatherb.ucfsc@gmail.com
Target Client:
Any child age 3 to 18 experiencing a traumatic life event such as abuse, neglect, traumatic loss/death of a loved one, fire, disaster, auto accident, etc. (Children over the age of 18 can still be accepted into the program as long as they are enrolled in the public school sytem).
Weekly office based therapy works to minimize the negative impact of traumatic life events that may be resulting in depression, anxiety, or behavioral problems.
Open to children ages 3-21 with a qualifying mental health or high functioning ASD diagnosis who have experienced trauma; participants must be approved through the BHRS process; Trauma Focused and Grief Therapy is recommended through a psychological or psychiatric evaluation.
Weekly office based therapy works
to minimize the negative impact of traumatic life events that may be resulting in depression, anxiety, or behavioral problems.
Achievement Center:
(814) 455-2755 EXT 1521
(814) 866-4513
(814) 866-4578
Forest Counseling LLC
Mark Lesniewski, LPC
(814) 482-2209 (office)
Directory compiled by the Erie County Policy and Planning Family Team.
Questions or comments contact: (814)824-2186 | info@unifiederie.org
Updated 11.01.23